“Green” hydrogen Made in Wunsiedel
Successful partnership technology
“For the first time, the oxygen and the low-temperature waste heat generated during production are planned to be reused by nearby industrial operations. This will result in maximum energy efficiency and a plant that is unique because all element flows will be utilized. In addition, electrolysis is an important building block toward implementing the ‘WUNsiedeler Weg – energy’, where we make sustainably energy use and climate protection a reality,” explained Marco Krasser, CEO of SWW Wunsiedel GmbH. It’s clear that our whole team is focused on making tomorrow different today. “I think we’d all like to live in a world where everybody has access to clean and reliable electricity,” says Hamed. “I want my children to live in a better world. Everyone at Siemens Energy is committed to reducing the carbon footprint and serving society, because we are all a part of society. It’s as simple as that!”
Germany’s Minister of Environmental Affairs, Thorsten Glauber concluded: “Hydrogen is a key technology on the road to a climate-neutral future. The energy transition will only succeed if there are many innovative approaches like the one pursued in Wunsiedel.”
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Within the objective of Ecuador‘s “Zero Fossil Fuel Initiative for the Galapagos Islands” a new hybrid power generation system was installed in Isabela island located in the Galapagos Archipelago. It is successfully in operation since October 2018.